Last Wednesday, 30 March 2022, marked five years of my freelance translation journey. Although it’d started earlier than that, with lots of volunteering and one-off paid assignments, my career truly started with an interpreting training session run by Global Language Services.
I stayed on the freelance interpreting team for just a few months, until I realised this type of work wasn't for me. In the meantime, I started my master’ in Translation Studies and got my first translation client.
To celebrate five years as I translator, I’m launching an Updates section on my website, with news and posts relevant to both my clients and colleagues.
What can you expect?
If you’re my existing client or consider purchasing my services, you might be interested in updates related to Continuous Professional Development, Recent Projects, Case Studies, Services and Specialisation Spotlights, to name a few.
Translation and Interpreting colleagues might want to keep an eye on posts about Freelance Life, Translation Practice, Business Insights and more.
For now, I’ll leave you with a timeline of my translation adventure.
The pre-translator phase

September 2009:
I move to Glasgow to study Spanish and French

September 2011:
I start my year abroad in Barcelona

June 2014:
I graduate from the University of Glasgow
in Spanish and Comparative Literature (MA Hons)
The early translator phase

March 2017:
I complete my first interpreting job,
followed by my first translation project

September 2017:
I come back to the University of Glasgow
to complete a master's course in Translation Studies

December 2017:
I join the Institute of Translation and Interpreting's
Scottish Network (ScotNet)

September 2019:
I submit my MSc dissertation project,
in which I focus on gender-inclusive language
The fully fledged translator phase

October 2019:
I move to Luxembourg where I complete
a five-month translation traineeship at the European Parliament

December 2019:
I graduate (in absentia)
and receive the MSc degree in Translation Studies
March 2020:
Upon my return to Glasgow,
I begin to translate and subtitle full-time;
shortly afterwards, I become an Associate member of ITI,
and a CIOL Member, as well as Chartered Linguist

December 2020:
I present an inclusive language webinar
to the ITI's Polish Network;
later as a result our network receives ITI's Award for

May 2021:
I join the ITI Polish Network committee
Upper row, L to R:
Agata McCrindle, Network Coordinator
Kate Sotejeff-Wilson, Deputy Coordinator and Secretary
Alicja Tokarska, Events Coordinator
Lower row, L to R:
Jadwiga Ruchlewska, Membership Secretary
Kasia Beresford, Treasurer
Jadzia Sinoradzka, Social Media Coordinator
What's next?
My business is definitely here to stay. Over the years, I've been developing my skill set, perfecting my knowledge and creating my translation community.
My upcoming plans include passing the MITI assessment and attending the ITI Conference in May. If you want to follow the rest of my journey, make sure to stay up to date with the Updates section!